Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Silver Dollar Eucalyptus eucalyptus gunnii

Round leaves

(Dollar leaf gum) Shaped like silver dollars, and about the same size too, the leaves and stimulating fresh scent make the species a popular item in fresh or dried floral arrangements. Though the tree can reach up to 25m (75ft) in the garden, it thrives in containers with regular pruning. Pruning keeps the juvenile foliage coming — the iconic round leaves preferred by florists. Silver dollar eucalyptus prefers well-drained, fertile soil and regular watering; it will droop noticeably if it begins to dry out. Easily grown from seed, seedlings are transplanted to pots when 6-8cm (2-3") tall or to the garden when 15cm (6") high.
