Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Lantana camara seed

Lantana camara
(Lantana Confetti) offers creamy-yellow, soft pink and orange flowers.
If you have a hot, baked spot, lantana is your answer. This hard-working plant will not only thrive with little moisture and in full, unyielding sun, it does so with ease. In fact, lantana is a Flower that seems to have it all — it produces an abundance of brightly colored flowers all summer and fall and it's a magnet for butterflies (hummingbirds like it, too). It's easy to grow and is a great choice for containers. Plus, if you have a very sunny spot indoors, you can grow it as a charming indoor plant. In frost-free climates, it's a great perennial groundcover, as well.

