Cerasus tomentosa seed

Cherry felt-shrub, usually with several trunks height of 1.5-2.5 m, rarely up to 3 m and above.
The leaves are dark green, oval, pubescent from below, strongly corrugated, with a pointed end.
The flowers are white, white with pink (rarely pink), up to 2.5 cm in diameter.
Fruits-oval drupes, red when ripe, sweet (sometimes sour) taste, smaller than ordinary cherries (0.8—1.5 cm in diameter). Depending on the region, ripen from early June to late July; fruits abundantly, usually in the third year and up to 15-20 years annually.
Feature felt cherry-it is similar to felt pubescence of annual shoots, leaves, pedicels, fruits. Genetically, it is very different from the ordinary cherry and does not interbreed with it, but it is crossed with plum, peach, plum and apricot.Homeland felt cherry is china, Korea and Mongolia. In the chatkala mountains (southern Kyrgyzstan, the valley of the kassan-SAI river) it also grows wild, the local name is Chia.However, as a culture, it has been widespread since the mid-twentieth century in temperate gardens in Europe and North America.
Nanking Cherry