Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Barberry seed Berberis vulgaris

This shrub has striking reddish purple small leaves that make it a wonderful addition to all landscapes. In the spring it has hanging flowers that give off a very nice fragrance. It's three pronged thorns can provide safety outside of windows. Stratification required.

Red Leaf Japanese Barberry, Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea, Shrub Seeds

Red Leaf Japanese Barberry is a deciduous shrub with a dense arching habit and multi-season interest. Most striking are the deep reddish purple inch long leaves. In spring, scented yellow flowers appear on arching, thorny stems. Bright glossy red berries form in fall and often last through the winter. The berries are attractive to birds. This Barberry is an excellent hedge plant and it also looks good in the middle to rear of beds and borders. With its low maintenance and barbed shoots it is very well suited to barrier planting or screening in large schemes.




